Welcome To
Exclusive Residence SCBD
A holistic architectural and lifestyle symmetry complimenting each other; A place where business and Commerce embrace chic cosmopolitan living, heritage blends into the modern and where Style meets Substance

1. Gunawarman Hotel
2. Zodiac Club
3. Cocktail Club
4. F45 Gym
5. Ashta District 8 Mall
6. Bistecca Steakhouse
7. Pacific Century Place
8. The Langham Hotel
9. Sequis Tower
10. Alila Hotel
11. Pacific Place Mall
12. Indonesia Stock Exchange
13. Grand Lucky Superstore
14. Summitmas Building
15. Soulbox
16. Senopati Suites
17. Plaza Senayan Mall
18. Gelora Bung Karno
19. Cork&Screw Country Club
20. The Energy Building
21. Office 8
22. Treasury Tower
23. District8
24. FX Sudirman
Unit Plans
Mindful spaces designed with purpose and passion for the highest quality living.
Tipe A Upper Floor

Harga Rp. 5.590.000.000,-
Harga Penjualan belum termasuk / The Price of the Apartment exclude :
- Pajak-pajak pemerintah terkait biaya jual beli (PPN, SLT, PPMBM)/ Government taxes related to Sale and Purchase (VAT, SLT, Luxury Tax)
- Biaya notaris Untuk Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)/ Notary fee for Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA)
- Akta Jual Beli (AJB) di hadapan Notaris/ PPAT/ Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) before Notary/ PPAT
- Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB)/ Tax and Acquisition of Right on Land and Building (BPHTB)
- Biaya pengurusan Kredit Kepemilikan Apartment (jika KPA)/ Cost of arranging Credit for Apartment Ownership (if KPA)
- Biaya yang timbul berdasarkan ketentuan/ peraturan dari pemerintah/ Costs arising under the provions/ rules of the government
- Biaya penggunaan dan/ atau biaya pemeliharaan/ Utility cost and/ or maintenance cost
- Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB)/ Land and Building Tax (PBB)
- Cara Bayar ini hanya berlaku untuk tujuh (7) hari/ This Payment Term is Only Valid For Seven (7) Days
Tipe B Upper Floor

Harga Rp. 8.840.000.000,-
Harga Penjualan belum termasuk / The Price of the Apartment exclude :
- Pajak-pajak pemerintah terkait biaya jual beli (PPN, SLT, PPMBM)/ Government taxes related to Sale and Purchase (VAT, SLT, Luxury Tax)
- Biaya notaris Untuk Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)/ Notary fee for Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA)
- Akta Jual Beli (AJB) di hadapan Notaris/ PPAT/ Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) before Notary/ PPAT
- Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB)/ Tax and Acquisition of Right on Land and Building (BPHTB)
- Biaya pengurusan Kredit Kepemilikan Apartment (jika KPA)/ Cost of arranging Credit for Apartment Ownership (if KPA)
- Biaya yang timbul berdasarkan ketentuan/ peraturan dari pemerintah/ Costs arising under the provions/ rules of the government
- Biaya penggunaan dan/ atau biaya pemeliharaan/ Utility cost and/ or maintenance cost
- Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB)/ Land and Building Tax (PBB)
- Cara Bayar ini hanya berlaku untuk tujuh (7) hari/ This Payment Term is Only Valid For Seven (7) Days
Tipe D Lower Floor

Harga Rp.,-
Harga Penjualan belum termasuk / The Price of the Apartment exclude :
- Pajak-pajak pemerintah terkait biaya jual beli (PPN, SLT, PPMBM)/ Government taxes related to Sale and Purchase (VAT, SLT, Luxury Tax)
- Biaya notaris Untuk Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)/ Notary fee for Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA)
- Akta Jual Beli (AJB) di hadapan Notaris/ PPAT/ Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) before Notary/ PPAT
- Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB)/ Tax and Acquisition of Right on Land and Building (BPHTB)
- Biaya pengurusan Kredit Kepemilikan Apartment (jika KPA)/ Cost of arranging Credit for Apartment Ownership (if KPA)
- Biaya yang timbul berdasarkan ketentuan/ peraturan dari pemerintah/ Costs arising under the provions/ rules of the government
- Biaya penggunaan dan/ atau biaya pemeliharaan/ Utility cost and/ or maintenance cost
- Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB)/ Land and Building Tax (PBB)
- Cara Bayar ini hanya berlaku untuk tujuh (7) hari/ This Payment Term is Only Valid For Seven (7) Days
- Master Bathrooms : Kohler or Equal
- Bathrooms : Kohler or Equal
- Living, Dining, Bathrooms : Marble/Granite
- Bedroom : Parquet
- Service : Homogeneous tiles
- Balcony : Wood composite
- All area : Emulsion Paint
- Bathrooms : Marble/Granite
- Service bathrooms : Ceramic tile
- WINDOWS : Aluminum
- DOORS : Engineered wood
- CEILING : Gypsum board, Emulsion Paint
- AIR CONDITIONING : All rooms exclude service
- WATER HEATER : Bathrooms exclude
service bathroom - WARDROBE : In each bedroom
- PANTRY : Kitchen cabinet
- APPLIANCES : Stove + Hood,

Woods Bagot
PT. Malmass Mitra Teknik
PT. Korra Antarbuana
PT. Wiratman
Adelahaye Strategic Branding